Kit Features
Showing off some of our specially-sourced Kit favorites, each with its own story.

Flock of Feathers
These authentic Juju hats have been handcrafted by our artisan partners in Cameroon using ancestral techniques passed down from the first Juju hat family. Each hat displays an elaborate plumage of white and cream wild bird feathers, hand-stitched together and woven onto palm tree fibers.

Good Juju
Fun fact: The name Juju is derived from “djudju,” which refers to West African healers. These absolutely live up to their name, bringing good vibes into any space.

Tribal Roots
Juju hats have been worn as headdresses for generations by royal dancers from the Bamiléké tribe during special ceremonies in Cameroon. The hats symbolize prosperity and are believed to possess the positive qualities of birds and their beauty, as well as represent the fragility of life.